A good financial strategy is crucial to the success of the company.

The financial strategy is usually prepared by an experienced external financial advisor (CFO) whose task is to coordinate financial, accounting and tax strategies in order to increase the value of the company. This is achieved through a thoughtful and well-structured process of creating financial strategies with a model that we offer in our company. We examine your situation and agree on concrete measures that could be achieved in a realistic period of time.
The financial strategy is simply a roadmap of where you are now to where you want to be in the future. In order to create a successful strategy, we need to take several steps with the client that ultimately result in the desired strategy.
Business model – a six-step process of the implementation of the financial strategy
Step I
Collecting and editing data
The process begins with the collection of all the necessary data from which we formulate proposals for the appropriate financial strategy.
Step III
Financial strategy
A clear financial strategy is the key to the success of every small and medium-sized company. It serves as a roadmap for the future, which guides you along the path to set goals. Together, we come up with the practical steps that need to be taken on the path towards the goal.
Step V
Developing a financial strategy through employees
Employees are the heart of every successful company. Good teamwork is essential for success, but many entrepreneurs do not know how to encourage it. This requires a plan to foster effective teamwork in the workplace. In this step of developing and implementing the strategy, our mission is to train and motivate employees to work together to achieve the desired goal.
Step II
Business plan
A business plan helps an entrepreneur to evaluate future opportunities that he might miss out on. It raises awareness of all necessary activities, such as value propositions, market assumptions, and operational, financial and staffing plans. By doing so, it directs the entrepreneur to key activities and encourages action.
Step IV
Implementation of the financial strategy
After developing the financial strategy, it is implemented within the company’s operations and among the employees, and the existing business model is re-evaluated.
Step VI
Evaluation of the financial strategy
In order to ensure an appropriate strategy, regular evaluation of the business and possible adjustments are required. This should be done on a quarterly basis or even more frequently if objectives change over time or the company is experiencing major changes.
Step I
Collecting and editing data
The process begins with the collection of all the necessary data from which we formulate proposals for the appropriate financial strategy.
Step II
Business plan
A business plan helps an entrepreneur to evaluate future opportunities that he might miss out on. It raises awareness of all necessary activities, such as value propositions, market assumptions, and operational, financial and staffing plans. By doing so, it directs the entrepreneur to key activities and encourages action.
Step III
Financial strategy
A clear financial strategy is the key to the success of every small and medium-sized company. It serves as a roadmap for the future, which guides you along the path to set goals. Together, we come up with the practical steps that need to be taken on the path towards the goal.
Step IV
Implementation of the financial strategy
After developing the financial strategy, it is implemented within the company’s operations and among the employees, and the existing business model is re-evaluated.
Step V
Developing a financial strategy through employees
Employees are the heart of every successful company. Good teamwork is essential for success, but many entrepreneurs do not know how to encourage it. This requires a plan to foster effective teamwork in the workplace. In this step of developing and implementing the strategy, our mission is to train and motivate employees to work together to achieve the desired goal.
Step VI
Evaluation of the financial strategy
In order to ensure an appropriate strategy, regular evaluation of the business and possible adjustments are required. This should be done on a quarterly basis or even more frequently if objectives change over time or the company is experiencing major changes.
Take a look:
We provide valuation of businesses, real estate, productive assets and other assets.
We offer comprehensive financial consulting and support through all stages of the sale of a company, the sale of real estate and conducting due diligence.
A financial consultant (CFO) will help you coordinate a financial, accounting and tax strategy in order to increase the value of your company.
We offer services for establishing and registering a company, as well as education and consulting for optimizing your business processes.
Are you contemplating an important decision to buy, sell, rent, hire, renovate or develop a property?
On your behalf, we take care of the dedicated use of funds during the entire investment process.
We cooperate with experienced legal specialists and tax advisors in the field of law and tax consulting.
We offer comprehensive or specific accounting services based on your requirements and needs.
If you are considering our services or require additional information, get in touch with us and we will gladly help you find a solution.